Sweeping The Nation…into the dumpster

As time presses on in its sometimes wonderful, other times rather confounding way, man’s philosophy continues to advance in an inspiring pattern of upward evolution…right?

Actually, no. The things that work for us right now, the philosophies of life that really satisfy the heart and improve the world (what more could we ask for than those two ideals?), have been with us for a very long time, indeed. No one is going to dream up the meaning of life today. If one believes he has, he most likely not birthed a revolutionary new worldview, but instead merely realized for himself some particular aspect of the same great ideas that have satisfied the heart and improved the world throughout history.

So hold on a minute. Does that mean that the new philosophy of “Freeganism” breaks no ground in the area of ethical principles?

Well, let’s talk about what Freeganism is, and you can decide for yourself.

Freeganism, as described on Oprah, --

Wait. Did I just say that? Allow me to explain.

I was mugged yesterday, and when I woke up I was tied to a chair in a Chicago warehouse and forced to either watch Oprah or undergo intense psychological abuse (What's the difference? Ha-ha-ha-ha!!!). After ten minutes of quiet introspection and deliberation, I chose Oprah.

There, that’s better.

So they had this woman on Oprah who described herself as a “Freegan.” Basically, the Freegans are people who are fed up with the current economic system in America. To manifest this frustration with the system, they simply choose to withdraw from it. They abstain from buying food from any business or individual. Instead, they opt to forage through dumpsters and garbage bins, essentially living off the waste of their fellow citizens.

Jesus said that those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted (Matthew 23:12). Evidently, the Freegans choose to sidestep this dilemma, and instead attempt to exalt themselves and humble themselves.

I see two problems with that.

First of all, they’re exalting themselves. By showing off their alternative lifestyle to Oprah and anyone else who will listen, they are not, as they might contend, living out a life of principle. They are acting out in order to get attention. They are the logical maturity of the child in our 1st grade class who ate food off of the floor, to rounds of raucous laughter and applause, or (as the case might have been) general bewilderment and distaste. The Freegans are not living out their principles. If they were, they could emigrate from America and its unjust free markets.

To the Freegans, I have this to say: I hear that the summers are to die for in China.

Wow, they cleared out pretty quick after that. The point is that no sane human being would ever leave America's economy in order to support a Communist economy. Say as much as one wants about cooperation and equality and universal healthcare, no Communist system has ever really panned out as well in practice as it did on paper. America is the country that offers the best odds of success, from a purely practical standpoint. And, incidentally, America is also the country that allows people to dig through trash to make their livelihood.

It is not principle that drives these people, because they choose to remain in America rather than move elsewhere. It is attention, perhaps with some scorn thrown in (scorn being one sentiment that always makes one feel righteous and justified, even when that’s not the case), that they seek.

So the Freegans are not as self-sacrificing as they might present themselves. In fact, upon close observation, we see that they are more self-centered than anything else.

That brings us to the next point. If you’re going to be self-centered, do it right! More seriously put, I mean to say that no human being should eat another’s garbage. If the Freegan sees this action as a gesture of humility, he should perhaps study up on what true humility is. Ebenezer Scrooge was the epitome of self-centeredness; but all it took was three Spirits to cure him. To cure a Freegan, one would need a generous mess of Spirits and several cognitive psychologists.

No, I’m not saying I have all of the answers about being humble (Although I do have one! See below…). I’m just saying that the Freegans have none of the answers. And in another sense, they show us what one of the answers isn’t.

So that’s about it.

Have a great one, and if you get hungry, please approach the front of the restaurant, rather than the back.

Signing off,

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