Weather or Not

I can definitely see the sun today.

What on earth am I talking about, you ask (if, indeed, there is anyone reading this to ask)? Simply this: my life right now feels like a clear day, in which I can see far ahead down the road.

And the future looks bright. Now beginning my second year of grad school, I will be applying for jobs in mere months. It occurred to me today that in less than a year I will likely know where my first full-time job will be. In other words, I will soon be approaching one of the biggest milestones I've ever reached. Best of all, I am confident that however it ends up, the outcome will be favorable and graced.

Like I said, it's a sunny day right now.

But not everyone can feel the sun's rays. We've all had times in our lives when things don't seem so clear, so happily secure. Negativity and bad breaks sometimes add up to the point that we doubt ourselves, our authenticity, and our purpose. These blue-grey days are tough to endure, because they sap us of our energy. Bereft of a dynamic spirit, we are tempted to despair. The human machine, being imperfect, sometimes weighs our spirit down in this way. But our spirit was meant to fly, and to take this mortal coil along for the trip. So when we get down, we need to turn to God to lift us up again. And He will, because He's always there--even when we aren't aware of Him.

Anyone who feels like their life lacks direction or purpose, take heart. You're in the middle of a cloudy day, that's all. Once the weather clears up, you'll see that the sun was up there the whole time. God's watching over you, even though you can't always feel His presence. Just keep doing your best, and things are going to clear up! How do I know? Because I've seen the sun. And once you've seen the sun, you can't get fooled by cloudy days.


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